Service Without Excuses With Rob M Lyon

Are You Protected?? Are you truly safe from all of the exposure to your business?? with Devin Miller of Miller IP Law

Rob M Lyon Season 2 Episode 40


Is your business truly protected, we all know that if you don't have a separation between your personal life and business life then a disaster is right around the corner right. Well if your business is not fully protected both from a liability stand point as well as an intellectual perspectives, then that can open your level of exposure to a whole new level.  Everyday entrepreneurs come up with new and innovative ways to separate themselves from competitors making them an élite force to be reckoned with. When you fully understand how to capitalize on the valuable assets that you worked hard to build, then and only then can you discover, grow, and monetize your brand. In Season 2/ Episode 40 we discuss all of this with Devin Miller of Miller IP Law, why I wanted Devin on was that has a very unique perspective with service businesses such as Carpet Cleaners, Plumbing Contractors Ect and gives extremely valuable and applicable information that every service business professional can use right now.     You can find out more at or