Service Without Excuses With Rob M Lyon

Why not educating your customers and clients is slowly destroying your business with Amanda Holmes from Chet Holmes International!!

Rob M Lyon Season 2 Episode 34

Fear can and is a crippling to not you only personally, but professionally and on all levels. In the current climate of 2021 Amanda Holmes from Chet Holmes International took over her fathers business at the young age of 24 just gave us some staggering statistics about how many new entrepreneurs had entered the market space nationwide last year alone. We always here the negatives of how many companies unfortunately were devastated by covid-19, but with fire comes re-birth and resilience to push forward with something Amanda's father called "Pig Headed Discipline" and perseverance. In season 2/ Episode 34 of the Service Without Excuses" podcast there are example after example of ways you can educate and separate yourself form everyone else that may be holding back you will sling shot your growth forward. An incredible fact that Amanda climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro (The Tallest mountain in the World) and the insane amount of  "Discipline" and training in would take to not only climb, but reach the top. You can find more from Amanda at or find the greatest in my opinion Sales Book at all time!! Ty Again Amanda!!